Jun 13, 2012 07:22 PM EDT
Megan McCain Supports Legalizing Marijuana in her New Book, "America You Sexy Bitch"

Megan McCain has come out with a new book, "America You Sexy Bitch." Mccain, the daughter of Republican Senator John McCain went on the Jay Leno last night and the View this morning to talk about her book.

Once again McCain shows her age and represents a new breed of young Republicans who defy the policy positions of old guard republicans.  On the Leno show, she announced that she believes marijuana should be legalized.

"I was living in Los Angeles very briefly last year, and I was shocked at how people here smoke weed the way people in New York pour wine," she said. "Once I started doing research onto the economic benefits for our country by decriminalizing marijuana, I decided to come out publicly in support of it."  

In the past she's also come out in support gay rights and marriage equality, which differs dramatically from her father and the position of most Republican political leaders.

When on the view, Barbara Walters sarcastically teased saying that her father would be very proud. Megan said her father knows how she feels and that he is supportive of her even if they disagree on certain things.

However, McCain has weathered some nasty criticism for her positions, which she talks about in the book. When talking about her detractors she said, on the View, that they can "kiss her fat ass."

McCain's book will, if anything, prove that she is feisty and unafraid to speak her mind. 


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